Queen Bee Vivy V, Viv Bewley, who took the helm in March 2014
The Red Hat Society was formed in America in the late 1990's by a pair of ladies who were hitting 50 and had seen the poem "Warning" by Jenny Joseph and thought it would be fun to give each other a red hat for their respective birthdays! Their friends picked up on this and, in 1998, the first Red Hat Society chapter was formed in Florida.
The mission statement that the society would endeavour to promote, support and encourage women in pursuit of Fun, Friendship, Freedom , Fulfillment and Fitness struck a cord with women everywhere and the society is now a global entity.
The Red Hat Bees of Bardwell, chapter number 628572, came into existence on 27th February 2014, as a spin off of the Bardwell Batty Bees. It was started by the Founding Queen, Vivien Bewley, known as Queen VivvyV.
The fun & friendship that is gained is only possible because of The Red Hat Society and it's Supporting Members . Unfortunately, when I founded the chapter in 2014, I made the error of not asking you all to become Supporting Members. Some of you I know are already Supporting Members as I am. I propose that as we renew our membership with a "buffer zone"of 3 years we all sign up as both Supporting Members and Red Hat Bees by 2018 at a cost of £25.00 that is divided into 2 parts, Supporting Member $20 and the balance to Red Hat Bees . Roughly 50p per week. New members would automatically be signed up as Supporting Members and Red Hat Bees at the new rate £25.00.
With Supporting Membership you receive a welcome pack and weekly newsletter.
Queen Bee ......... Viv
Vice Queen,,,,, Mavis
Treasurer ........... Mavis
Membership Secretary ...... Rosemarie
Webmaster ................. Mavis
Bee Fairy ................. Sandra
Craft Classes ............. Jeanne
Games Bee .............. Sandra